Sunday, October 30, 2011

Some comparative thoughts

I had a realization this morning. I'm a writer- I write when I'm frustrated, when I want to remember something, when I'm confused- it helps me organize my thoughts instead of it all getting jumbled in my head. So here goes.
 As I was studying a talk from an Ensign my thoughts started going off on a tangent like they normally do and suddenly the question came to me, why do I always compare myself? Why do I compare myself as if my talents, abilities, style, IQ, value increase or decrease based on who I'm comparing myself to? When did my own progression become a ratio based on determined by others? I have often read others blogs or observed friends or strangers and thought, they are a domestic, patient mother of 4 with a booming party planning business on the side. I'm a fairly domestic, striving for patience mother of 2 but have no booming business to help pay the bills. I'm doing pretty good. OR- that lady has 3 kids, has a tush and tummy tight as Jillian's, has a lovely clean home and extensive talents. Geez. I'm a horrible person. OR {even worse!}- I swear that lady hasn't brushed her hair in a week and she has no social life. I ROCK! 
Seriously??! What a skewed perception of my own worth. Why do I strive to achieve someone else's talents, abilities, even physical appearance as if they determine my potential? I realized today that under those false pretenses I sell myself short- not because the other person's personal best is less than mine, but because we are all blessed with different talents, abilities and life missions that make us unique and useful in the eternal scheme of things. What a weight is lifted off our shoulders as we realize we are not in a competition, but assessing our own personal weaknesses to strengthen and our strengths to help the Kingdom of God on earth progress. We only have to worry about ourselves! Whew! So much extra time and brain space just presented itself. 
This is not the only time I have been hit by this realization. As I thought about it this morning I remembered several other times I have written down the same thoughts in my General Conference notes, journal, RS notes. Every time it hits me like I've never thought of it before but its just the profound, life-changing attitude and mindset that I need to adopt to be fully productive and happy. And then I forget about it a few days later and life is more stressful and unhappy than it needs to be until I remember this wonderful reality again. So how do I actually incorporate it into my character? No more comparing, unrealistic expectations and shallow judgement on myself...sounds awesome. Ideas? Have you adopted this liberating reality? How do you go about it? Its so easy to get sucked in to the overwhelming popularity of the idea of compared worth. or compared style. or compared abilities. I'm going to write
Am I doing my personal best?? 
on a piece of paper and hang it on the fridge. Simple reminders like that work for me. What works for you??

1 comment:

jpet said...

I have found NOTHING works for me! (which is why i am still the same). Dang