I've thought long and hard about it and decided to take my blog out of hiding. Maybe now I will blog more?? There's lots of exciting things going on in my life right now so I'd love to channel some of the excitement into my blog! Don't expect too many pictures though; my camera charger is still missing from the summer :( Maybe its time to invest in one of those Nikkons that make pictures still look good even when you are a self-proclaimed pathetic photographer.
In any case, I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year and I'm excited to get back on here and leave a little trail of my life!
that is a GREAT decision gretch!!! Hallelujah!
P.S. i was running though the books that you love and i thought i just wanted to tell you that i am reading the Alliance right now in school, Pride and Prejudice is on my list, and Scarlet Pimpernal is on my list too. has nothing to do with this little section, but i thought i would mention it to you.
P.S. I am liking The Alliance so far! good book.
oh, sorry, one more book. Persuasion is also on my list. have you read the Goose Girl? Mary told me it was a really good book. it is also on my lists.
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