Saturday, March 3, 2012

Traditiooooon!! Tradition!

Like Tevye, Kiel and I have always felt strongly about the importance of family traditions. We feel that they add a richness and depth to not only life, but the individual family unit. Throughout our marriage some traditions have naturally fallen into place while others we have thought about and tried to implement. Some of our more favorite traditions are buying the kids a new book each Saturday to add variety to their story time selection (we read alot of books around here) and having a crazy hair creation after bath time. That's right folks, crazy hair creations. We love it. Especially the kids. They do crazy dances to go along with their crazy hair and it is indeed a very special traditional moment in the Willmore household.

I give you tonight's crazy hair creations featuring the crazy Caleb and Park Man:

 Not only do we have a terrible camera, we also had terrible lighting :(

Yes, Parker's hair is incredibly long. No, I don't have any plans to cut it. Any other questions??

What important family traditions do you just love?? I seriously do want to know.


JeNnA said...

I busted a gut with these pictures. Super funny. I love Parkers long hair. LOL He looked like Calebs little sister!
Traditions... well you sure have some fun weekly traditions. I have to think, its probably about time.

Missy said...

what a fun tradition! I love the crazy hair. We used to go to Chic Fil A every Saturday to eat. We still do if nothing else is going on. We all love Chic Fil A!

Gretchen Willmore said...

@Jenna- Thats exactly what Kiel said! He was all, Parker looks like a girl! hehe but after it dried Kiel decided it was really cute and wanted to do his hair like that for church...oh dear. Don't worry, I put my foot down with a big fat NO!

@Missy- Food traditions are my favorite!! We have french toast for breakfast almost every saturday and always try out new syrups..mmm! I've actually never been to Chic Fil A...You've got me convinced I'm missing out and I need to go try it out!

Michelle said...

FYI: Parker's hair was at perfect length when you came down. You should keep it there. It looks even better than his long hair, so I'm glad ya cut it.