Friday, December 5, 2008

One week closer to Christmas

Wow this week has gone by fast! I woke up this morning thinking it was about wednesday and then I realized it's the weekend!!! Yeah!!! I LOVE weekends! I actually get to spend real time with Kiel.
So this week I had to do some baby proofing in my house. Caleb is a very mobile kid now and although its cute to watch (kind of like having a puppy follow you around) it def presents some problems! One problem that we encountered again this morning is: as he is crawling around little hair balls get stuck b/w his fingers and then eats them! He choked on one this morning and scared me half to death. He also likes crawling over to our christmas tree and grabbing the little icicle strands and eating them. Can he die of eating too many forgeign things???! He hasn't even started on bananas yet!
Kiel has been super busy this week also with school winding down. He had a presentation and hes been working on translating a japanese book. The story is pretty dumb tho. So he just has one more week of class and then finals!! woot!!!
I'm also proud to announce that I worked on my stats class this week! Actually, I started it but I've almost completed 2 chapters.
And the best thing about this week being almost over: we're one more week closer to Christmas!

1 comment:

JeNnA said...

YAY!!!!! love yo!!