I've got some plans for this little blog...just things that have been floating through my head like daydreams.
First of all, there are several things that I like to blog about- my family, food, thoughts about whatever random thing strikes my fancy, and home decor/DIY projects (however amateur they may be :). So I was thinking that it might be helpful if I organize this little blog and make categories...like those blogs that have tabs at the top so that those peeps who read my blog to check up on the fam can just read family updates and skip my little projects. And for those who don't care that I have kids that do cute things (ha! as if that applies to any of you ;) but would rather get some mediocre ideas on painting something can skip over the "my kid totally made a snow angel today!! He's growing up and I'm having a melt down!" stuff can find that super easily. Yes??
Now admittedly the lowest grade I got in my whole scholarly career was in computer systems and I'm completely incompetent when it comes to anything techy so this dream may take a while to become reality. So if you have any suggestions or helpful nudges in the right direction (i.e. a website or tutorial you know of that is particularly helpful for blog design dummies) I would be uber grateful for them all.
I'm not interested in making this a big time blog or anything, I would just like to make some small changes to make my life and your life on my blog easier. Cheers!