Japan is SUPER crazy and SUPER fun! I don't even know what to say about it...it is so different from America! There are a lot of things that are opposite from America, for instance they drive on opposite sides of the road, the driver is on the right side, you push the faucet down to get water, and you eat dinner for breakfast (salad and rice). There are so many great things I love about Japan though, it is soooo beautiful here! And the people are so nice. Its amazing! People never honk there horns, there's no road rage, if a bird is in the middle of the road they just sit there until the bird decides to move, and everyone says konichiwa (hello) and bows a hundred times before moving on to something else. There are so many neat things to see here! I love just walking around and seeing the houses with their beautiful clay roofs and the shrines and temples and cemetaries (their cemetaries are so cool!!) and old Japanese ppl working in their rice patties and all the colorful Japanese signs...there's so many interesting things! Yesterday Kiel and I spent the day walking around Matsumoto and we went and visited the famous castle. There's only four of them and one of them is right here! It was amazing as you can see here:
We also walked around their shops and went to this little frog town where everything was froggy. Very cute!
(Me and my frog prince)
There was a temple in the middle of this great big city and there was a couple all dressed up in their kimonos giving their baby a baby blessing budah equivalent. It was really cool to watch!(Me and my frog prince)
The family we are staying with is amazing! Yukarisan is one of my best friends ever and I love doing things with her and learning from her! I really do love them. So here are some other random pics of Japan...Enjoy! (Sorry about all the sideways pics, I don't know how to flip them on this computer...its kinda funky)
An ancient building smashed in the middle of the city